Tuesday, 26 February 2008

japanese 3d graffiti

Paramodel, an artist duo formed by Yasuhiko Hayashi and Yusuke Nakano from Eastern Osaka, created these intriguingly beautiful 3D graffiti.
I want to do this but also with nudes as the 3d element...

Friday, 15 February 2008

call of the west / east

so in the next week i want to go to wales, NW Ireland to get a lens if I can't find a way of insuring a purchase made from an individual person rather than a company, london, to get the three lenses i have paid for but haven't seen, and it now looks like im going to rochester, possibly on tuesday, maybe I will go and see the maunsell sea forts, near whitstable, although i maybe will need a boat... http://www.subterrain.org.uk/maunsell/